How to fight your headache


      Hi there, today I'm going to share about my bad habit. Actually I'm a coffee lover! I drink coffee almost everyday and when I try to cut it my body feels weird and incomplete. I think I got it from my mother because she is also a caffeine sucker. I usually drink Nescafe when I'm at mamak and I order a hot cappuccino when I'm lepaking at cafe. My mom worry about me and she bought me a 3 in 1 coffee that contain more Habbatus Sauda in there because she want me to cut caffeine. I'm dealing with headache and anxiety almost everyday. Alhamdulillah now I train myself to have coffee only once a week because I cant deal with anxiety anymore. It has to get away. 

        Because of my headache I always take panadol to reduce the pain and I think now I can feel the side effect of the medicine in my body. I starts having massive breakout at my forehead and I never experience acne in my life even on my body. My boyfriend said that maybe it is the side effect of the panadol. When you take a lot of panadol it will give bad effect on your digestion system and it will appear on your face which is why the acne is attacking my forehead. I google and try to find out if it can be true and it is. So now Im not regularly take panadol if I have a headache. Im going to share ways on how to fight your headache naturally. 


Ginger can help reduce inflammation of the blood vessels in the head, thus providing relief from a headache.
  • Mix equal parts of ginger juice and lemon juice. Consume it once or twice a day.
  • Another option is to apply a paste of one teaspoon of dry ginger powder, also called sonth, and two tablespoons of water on the forehead for a few minutes.
  • You can also boil ginger powder or raw ginger in water, and inhale the vapor.
  • Chew one or two pieces of crystallized ginger candy.
 2. Mint Juice

Menthol is the primary components of mint which are very effective in alleviating headaches.
Extract mint juice from a handful of mint leaves and apply it on forehead and temples to treat headache.
You can also place mint tea compresses on the forehead to relieve discomfort. Along with mint juice, corainder juice is also effective in treating headaches

3.  Peppermint oil

Peppermint contains menthol that helps open up clogged blood vessels that cause headaches. It also has calming and soothing effects.
  • Mix three drops of peppermint essential oil in one tablespoon of almond oil, olive oil or just water. Massage your forehead and temples with it. Or, you can put crushed fresh peppermint leaves on your forehead.
  • Alternatively, you can prepare a steam treatment by adding a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a small pot of boiling water. Inhale the steam for a few minutes.
4. Ice pack

The cold from ice helps reduce inflammation that contributes to headaches. Plus, it has a numbing effect on the pain.
  • Applying an ice pack to the back of your neck can give you relief from a migraine headache.
  • You can also place a washcloth dipped in ice-cold water over your head for five minutes. Repeat the process several times.
  • Alternatively, you can use a bag of frozen vegetables as a cold compress. Within half an hour you will feel some relief.

My bestfriend gave me this and I really love it. I store it in the fridge and whenever I have a headache I'll put it at my forehead. I also use it when I have a period pain. I think she bought it at Yubiso. 

5. Drink a lot of water

This is number one secret for a good health! Guys please take this seriously. Drink at least 2 liters of water everyday. Whenever I have a headache my father will massage my head and say that I should drink a lot of water not coffee. It will maintain the balance of our body fluids and prevent headache. I starts to drink a lot of water everyday and I rarely get headache. 

6. If you a headache person, bring ointment of any balm 24/7 with you
This is my ointment and this really help me with my headache a lot. Sometimes whenever I want to sleep I will put it at my head because it's feel chilly and goooooodd! I bring this everywhere. It has Sephora logo there because my bestfriend made it for me. She is sooo sweet! Thanks fazi <3

So that is it from me. If I have a massive headache I usually drink the ginger tea and use my ointment. Please reduce the medicine if you have a headache. Try to use natural remedies to avoid having another decease in your body okay. Be healthy everyone!

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